Chances are you may have seen or even sat in some of our outdoor furnishings without visiting our showroom, because many of our furniture pieces and umbrellas are featured throughout the local hospitality industry.
House ‘N Garden offers their Commercial Sales Director to assist you in planning your properties outdoor patio. Deciding on repairs vs. replace. Budget needs. Growth expansion planning. Long term goals of your outdoor furniture and how your guests will enjoy them.
Give Us A Call Today!
House ‘N Garden offers beautiful brands to the hospitality industry. We pride ourselves on choosing pieces and manufacturers that provide outdoor furnishings that are going to stand up to Arizona climate.
Offering local Tucson hotels a full service, retail location that can repair, deliver, and reupholster locally. We also highlight local artisans with pieces that will make your establishment stand out.
There is no reason to purchase from a company that does not understand the true nuances of the Tucson setting. Serving the Tucson hospitality industry for over 70+ years. Our experience and our commitment to Tucson speaks for itself.
If you would like to discuss your options, please contact us at the store at 520-888-2800.
We would be happy to come to you and look at your beautiful location and find the perfect piece for you from our many brands and special offers.
Thank you for supporting local Tucson businesses.
A few of the local commercial properties we have proudly assisted with their needs.
Arizona Inn
Tucson Country Club
El Conquistador
Casino Del Sol
Omni Tucson National,
Ventana Country Club
Skyline Country Club
La Posada Retirement Community